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Twerdowsky online store regulations

Twerdowsky online store regulations

1. General provisions

1.1 The online store, available at the Internet address, is run by the entrepreneur Luna Olga Tanska, registered at the following address: ul. Dąbrowskiego 107, 60-574 Poznań, NIP: 7822412347 - hereinafter referred to as the "Seller".
1.2. These Regulations define the rules of using the Online Store, including the rights and obligations of the Seller and Customers.
1.3. The Store conducts retail sales via the Internet, offering Products presented on the Store's websites.
1.4. All information contained on the Store websites, including information about Products, does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but is an invitation for Customers to submit purchase offers.
1.5. All products offered in the Store are brand new, free from physical and legal defects, and have been legally introduced to the Polish market.
1.6. In order to effectively use the Online Store, the Customer should have an active e-mail account and a device with Internet access that meets the following minimum technical requirements: a web browser in the latest version supporting JavaScript and cookies.
1.7. The Customer using the Online Store is obliged not to transfer or use the content received from the Store in a manner contrary to the law or good customs.
1.8.The procedure for concluding the Sales Agreement via the Online Store is conducted in Polish and can be completed 24 hours a day on working days and holidays, subject to technical breaks.

2. Definitions

2.1. The terms used in these Regulations mean:

Customer – a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality who, using the Online Store, places an order.
Consumer – a customer who is a natural person concluding a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity.
Entrepreneur – a Customer who is a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, who, by using the Online Store, places an order in connection with his/her business or professional activity.
Regulations – this document defining the rules of using the Online Store.
Working day - a term referring to each weekday, from Monday to Friday, excluding days designated as holidays.
Product - a term used in relation to any item available for purchase in the Store that is a tangible thing.
Supplier - a company involved in the transportation of goods, cooperating with the Seller in order to deliver the ordered Products to the Customer.
Seller - Luna Olga Tanska, tax identification number 7822412347, registered at: ul. Dąbrowskiego 107, 60-574 Poznań.
Delivery - the process of physical transfer of the Product to the Customer by the Seller, carried out through the Supplier, in accordance with the conditions specified in the order.
Registration - the process carried out by the Customer in accordance with the procedures specified in the Regulations, necessary to fully use the functions of the Online Store.
Durability - a property of a Product that refers to its ability to maintain its original functions and characteristics during normal use.
Shop - an online shop run by the Seller, available under the domain
Account - a separate part of the Online Store, assigned individually to the Customer
Sales agreement - concluded as a result of the Order between the Customer and the Seller, sales agreement within the meaning of the Civil Code
Order – a declaration of the Customer submitted via the electronic Order Form constituting an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement for a Product presented in the Online Store
GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

3. Registration

3.1. Registration is not required to place an order in the Online Store. Registration in the Store is voluntary and free of charge.
3.2. In order to create a Customer Account in the Online Store, the Customer is obliged to perform free Registration.
3.3. In the Registration process, the Customer is required to fill out the registration form available on the Online Store website and send the completed form electronically to the Seller by selecting the appropriate function in the registration form. Registration is a confirmation by the Customer that they have read the Regulations and accept them.

3.4. During Registration, the Customer may express consent to the processing of their personal data for marketing purposes by checking the appropriate box in the registration form. Consent to the processing of personal data is not a condition for concluding an agreement for the electronic provision of the Customer Account Management service.
3.5. After completing the Registration process, the Customer receives confirmation via e-mail. From that moment on, an agreement for the provision of the Customer Account Management service is concluded, and the Customer is given the opportunity to access the Customer Account and make changes to the data entered during Registration.

4. Orders

4.1. An order in the Online Store can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.
4.2. To place an order, the Customer selects the goods that are the subject of the order and then adds them to the basket.
4.3. After adding all interested goods to the basket, the Customer selects the delivery method and payment method, and then sends the order to the Seller using the "Order and pay" button.
4.4. By placing an order, the Customer makes an offer to purchase selected goods under the conditions specified in the product description.
4.5. After receiving the order, the Seller sends a confirmation of receipt of the order to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
4.6. Then, after accepting the order for execution, the Seller sends information about accepting the order for execution. This information is a statement by the Seller about accepting the offer, and its receipt by the Customer results in the conclusion of a sales contract.
4.7. After concluding the contract, the Seller confirms the terms of the sales contract to the Customer by sending them on a durable medium to the Customer.
4.8. The prices of goods presented on the website of the Store are gross prices (include VAT) and do not include delivery costs and other additional fees that may apply depending on the selected delivery and payment method. Detailed information on the total costs of the order will be presented to the Customer during the order placement.

5. Payments

5.1. store offers the following payment methods:
a) Bank transfer to the Seller's bank account. In this case, the order will be processed after receiving confirmation of the order and posting the payment to the Seller's bank account.
b) Electronic payment via a secure online payment system.
5.2. The customer is obliged to pay for the order within 2 business days from the date of placing the order.
5.3. In the event of non-payment within the specified period, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the sales contract.

6. Delivery

6.1. Delivery of ordered goods is carried out within the territory of the Republic of Poland and to selected countries abroad.
6.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver goods free from physical and legal defects.
6.3. Information regarding the estimated delivery time will be provided on the Store website in the description of each product.
6.4. The delivery time is counted from the moment the order is accepted for execution and depends on the chosen delivery method and product availability.
6.5. Delivery of the ordered goods is carried out by the supplier selected by the Customer (e.g. courier company) to the address indicated by the Customer when placing the order.
6.6. On the day of sending the goods to the Customer, the Seller sends an e-mail confirming the shipment.
6.7. The customer is obliged to check the condition of the shipment in the presence of the delivery person and in the event of any damage or shortages, he or she has the right to request that the delivery person prepare a damage report.
6.8. If the delivery option with a VAT invoice is selected, the Seller attaches the invoice to the shipment or sends it electronically to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
6.9. In the event of the Customer's absence at the indicated address, the supplier has the right to leave a notice or attempt to contact in order to establish a new delivery date. In the event of the return of the parcel to the Store, the Seller will contact the Customer in order to establish a new delivery date.

7. Warranty

7.1. The Seller guarantees that the delivered Goods are free from physical and legal defects. 7.2. The Seller's liability under the warranty covers physical defects of the goods that existed at the time of transfer of the risk to the Customer or resulted from a cause inherent in the sold goods at the same time.
7.3. If a defect in the goods is detected, the Customer has the right to:
a) Demand the replacement of the goods with ones free from defects.
b) Demand removal of the defect.
c) Submit a price reduction declaration.
d) Withdraw from the contract if the defect is significant.
7.4. Complaints may be submitted in writing to the Seller's registered office address or electronically. The Seller undertakes to consider the complaint within 14 days of its receipt and inform the Customer about further proceedings.
7.5. Costs associated with the replacement or repair of goods shall be borne by the Seller.

8. Non-conformity of the Goods with the Agreement

8.1. If the delivered Goods do not correspond to the sales agreement (e.g. have defects, are incomplete, do not match the description), the Customer has the right to make a complaint under the terms specified in consumer law.
8.2. The customer may request that the goods be brought into conformity with the contract by free repair or replacement of the goods with new ones, unless repair or replacement is impossible or requires excessive costs.
8.3. If the Seller is unable to repair or replace the goods, the Customer has the right to reduce the price or may withdraw from the contract.
8.4. A complaint regarding the non-conformity of the goods with the contract should be filed immediately after the non-conformity is discovered, but no later than within two years from the date of receipt of the goods.
8.5. The Seller undertakes to respond to the Customer's complaint within 14 days of its receipt and to inform about the method of handling the complaint.

9. Withdrawal from the Agreement

9.1. A customer who is a consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract without giving any reason within 14 days of receiving the goods.
9.2. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted, for example, in writing to the Seller's registered office address or electronically.
9.3. The period for withdrawal from the contract begins on the day on which the Customer or a third party indicated by the Customer who is not the carrier, comes into possession of the goods.
9.4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered not to have been concluded. If the Customer has submitted a declaration of withdrawal before the Seller has accepted his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.
9.5. The Seller is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods in intact condition, return all payments made by the Customer.
9.6. Refunds will be made using the same payment method used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not involve any costs for the Customer.
9.7. The Customer should return the goods to the Seller's address immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the contract. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to return the goods before it expires.
9.8. The direct costs of returning the goods (e.g. shipping costs) are borne by the Customer.
9.9. The customer is liable for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from their use in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

10. Personal Data Protection

10.1. Personal data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, in accordance with the GDPR.
10.2. Personal data of Customers are processed by the Seller, Luna Olga Tanska, in accordance with applicable regulations on personal data protection and the privacy policy published on the website of the Online Store.
10.3. By providing his/her personal data during the registration process or placing an order, the Customer consents to their processing by the Seller in order to execute the sales contract.
10.4. The Customer has the right to access their data, correct them, demand that their processing be discontinued and object to their processing.
10.5. Detailed information on the processing of personal data, including the purpose and basis of processing, as well as the rights related to it, can be found in the Privacy Policy available on the Store's website.

11. Unsubscribing from the Newsletter

11.1. The Customer may at any time unsubscribe from the Newsletter, which the Seller provides electronically.
11.2. You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each email sent with the Newsletter or by making the appropriate settings in the Customer Account panel on the Store website.
11.3. The Seller ensures that unsubscribing from the Newsletter is simple and does not entail any additional costs other than the costs of data transmission at the standard operator rate.

12. Final Provisions

12.1 These Regulations define the rules of using the Online Store and the rules of concluding Sales Agreements with Customers via the Store.
12.2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations. The changed regulations are effective from the date of publication on the Store's website, unless a different date of entry into force of the changed regulations is indicated.
12.3. Any changes to the Regulations will be communicated to Customers via the Store's website at least 14 days in advance.
12.4. Orders placed before the changes to the Regulations come into force will be fulfilled based on the existing provisions of the Regulations.
12.5. In the event of any disputes arising from the performance of contracts concluded under these Regulations, the parties shall seek to resolve them through negotiations, and in the event of failure to reach an agreement – ​​by competent Polish courts.
12.6. The law applicable to the resolution of any disputes is Polish law.
12.7. These Regulations shall enter into force on 19 January 2024.